How GoBiz USA Is Reducing Its Carbon Footprint

Written by
Mariana Weber
Published on
September 29, 2022 at 10:59:00 AM PDT September 29, 2022 at 10:59:00 AM PDTth, September 29, 2022 at 10:59:00 AM PDT

Our planet’s environment is crucial to our survival and taking care of it should be of utmost importance, especially as we face global warming challenges worldwide.

We all share this planet and we all make an impact so it’s important to fully understand how our business practices from manufacturing to shipping to energy use can harm the one world we all inhabit. 

GoBiz USA recognizes that air and water pollution, along with high levels of energy consumption, are some key factors that contribute to global warming. This recognition has motivated us to promote environmental sustainability in various ways. 

As a Supply Chain, GoBiz USA is involved in the end-to-end process of manufacturing, storage, processing, and distribution of US-based goods. We are the connection between ground-based and overseas transport, warehouses, and logistics systems, all of which l impact our environment. 

So how are we reducing our carbon footprint?

GoBiz USA is redefining and optimizing the end-to-end supply chain process from an environmental perspective by doing the following:

  • Reducing waste and improving efficiency in shipping by land and sea.
  • Lowering carbon emissions by consolidating shipments.
  • Minimizing energy usage by limiting the use of lighting in all facilities.
  • Conserving natural resources by recycling. 
  • Promoting sustainable resources such as virtual manufacturing.

We are committed to investing the time, resources, focus, and energy necessary to make our GoBiz USA environmental program succeed.

One example of this is how GoBiz USA has created a more consolidated network by receiving our inventory in pallets instead of small case quantities and storing them in our US-based warehouses. By doing so, we have minimized the use of intercontinental and transoceanic transportation, which is a massive driver of carbon emissions. Having our distribution centers strategically dispersed within the US actually reduces the amount of transportation needed to ship goods.

By partnering with FedEx we have chosen a carrier that is also doing its part in limiting pollution by reducing emissions, eliminating waste, replacing older vehicles, updating technology, modernizing its facilities, and adopting sustainable packaging.

“FedEx is launching a carbon-neutral shipping program for its most widely-used packaging solution for document shipping, making it the first global express transportation company to offer carbon-neutral envelope shipping at no extra charge to the customer. We understand our role in helping to protect and preserve our planet. By 2040, the entire FedEx parcel pickup and delivery (PUD) fleet will be zero-emission electric vehicles. This will be accomplished through phased programs to replace existing vehicles. For example, by 2025, 50% of FedEx Express's global PUD vehicle purchases will be electric, rising to 100% of all purchases by 2030.”

GoBiz USA is not just a marketplace. It's a new sustainable approach for B2B and B2C companies to do business in an eco-friendly way. 

We will continue to reduce our impact on the environment and finds ways to decrease our carbon footprint so that we can help businesses grow sustainably and responsibly. 

When you choose GoBiz USA for your business, wholesale, and marketplace needs, you can take comfort and satisfaction in the fact that your operation is promoting environmental sustainability.